Learning for 20.04.20

Welcome back Year 3! (sort of)

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter and got to go out and enjoy some sunshine 😀 I know some of you unfortunately weren’t feeling so great over the break so I hope you’re all recovered and feeling back on form, ready to go!

Let’s jump right in shall we…

So we’re moving on with our fractions today but two weeks is a loooooong time in our maths brains so here’s a quick recap of some key facts to help you:

*If the numerator is 1, then it is called a UNIT fraction

*If the numerator and denominator are EQUAL then it is worth ONE WHOLE.

So today we’re going to start looking at putting fractions on a number line. Take a look at the number line below:

How many equal sections are there?

So what fraction is it going up in? Can you label it?


It goes from 0 to 1 and is divided into four equal sections. Remember we said that the denominator (or bottom number) of a fraction shows how many equal parts there are? So this number line must be going up in quarters.

What about this one, can you try it yourself?

We can also continue our number lines above one whole, as the number between one and two can also be divided into fractions. So have one whole, plus an extra little bit:


Watch the following video from White Rose to help explain this.

https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/          – click on Week 2, Lesson 1- Fractions on a number line

Then have a go at the the worksheet, remember the questions get harder so don’t panic if you find them tricky. Just try your best!
Fractions on a numberline worksheet

Word Power

This week we are focusing on words ending in ‘ary’.

Take a look at this powerpoint to help you get familiar with this weeks words and do the activities within.

(Collins Cobuild is an online dictionary that provides definitions in relatively child-friendly language. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/ )

Year 3 Term 3A Week 1 Presentation

Here is your Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheet to go with it 🙂

Spellings for home – ‘ary’


Use the picture above to complete a Free Write (can be a story, a diary entry, a newspaper article etc.)
You may want to consider the following questions to help you

  • What is the teacher’s name?
  • Is he surprised by what he sees?
  • What magic is he performing?
  • How do the children feel about the lesson?
  • What is the owl looking at? What is it thinking?
  • What might happen next?
  • Would you like to go to wizard school? Why?

Other activities to complete throughout the day

“Make screen time, active time” with the GoNoodle app!

The Positivity Place is a great source of positive news stories for children.

Keep practising your typing skills with BBC Dancemat

If you haven’t already (and I haven’t seen any pictorial evidence yet…) have an explore of the National Gallery  (or pick your own favourite artist) and try to recreate some of the artworks in your own home!
Some new inspiration for you..

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