Learning at home

Hi everyone,

If some of Year 4 are learning at home on Monday and Tuesday due to the hot weather, I have attached some work we will be completing in class.


In Monday’s maths lesson we are looking at the 12 hour clock. In English, we are doing some Geography based work as it is Culture week. We will be identifying the countries in Europe.Y4-Summer-Block-3-WO3-Analogue-to-digital-12-hour-2020-1 


(Don’t look at the answers until you’ve worked them out yourself!)


In Tuesday’s maths lesson we are looking at the 24 hour clock. We will then be using laptops/tablets to research similarities and differences of Athens in Greece and North Yorkshire. We will use our notes to create a poster on Wednesday. Y4-Summer-Block-3-WO4-Analogue-to-digital-24-hour-2020


Stay cool!