Learning for 18.05.20

Morning Year 3! Hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. I wanted to start this week with some more shout-outs because you have been working incredibly hard!

Well done to Harry for bossing that fractions assessment!
Incredible scenes from Amelia with that irregular past tense work last week- can you see that high score? it says 1015!!!!
And what a clever idea from Max to practice his spellings!







Maths explanation
24 hr time worksheets – you can choose which level to try, they get harder as they go.



We’re going to do a little bit more work on the possessive apostrophe to make sure we’re getting the hang of it before we tie them all together.


Have a go at the sheets below to test your apostrophe knowledge! Some of these are very tricky so look really carefully and think about how many people each thing belongs to. Good luck!

Singular or Plural

Aaliyah Apostrophe Homework

Andrews Apostrophes Plural Nouns


Other activities to try throughout the day

Rainbow Wave- A nice way to keep in touch- draw around your hand on a piece of paper and write a little message in the middle, in each of the fingers can you write an activity that you’ve been doing to keep busy during lockdown?

BBC Bitesize- Why don’t you join me in learning a bit of Italian! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z9qmhyc
Reading- I don’t know where some of you are finding the time to read as much as you are but I am so thrilled that you are! Our class is top of the school leader-board for average number of lessons completed so well done my little bookworms, keep up the good work.
PE– Real PE is a unique, child centred approach that is suitable for any year group through the Primary years.
Jasmine – your real learning platform, provides 1000s of hours of fun activities and challenges that will help you to keep your children and family fit and healthy in the coming months. To login and explore, please enter the following details:
Username: parent@meadowside-19.com
Password: meadowside


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